For individuals

Join the Monthly Giving Circle

Set up a recurring monthly gift and maximize your impact.

Join now

Become a Major Donor

Supporters with lifetime giving of $3,500+ receive special recognitions and invitations to exclusive donor events.

See who’s on the list

Start your own fundraiser

Celebrate a milestone by raising funds for the Foundation. Invite your coworkers or chapter members to contribute to your cause. A great way to commemorate a birthday, or professional milestone like earning your certification.

Start here

Make a planned gift

Leave a lasting legacy by including the IREM Foundation in your estate plan.

Learn more


Give back, shape the future of the real estate management profession, and gain leadership experience along the way. The Foundation relies on the support of volunteers with a variety of skills and talents.

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For companies

Become a sponsor

Let your marketing dollars create impact in workforce development, sustainability, and research.

Check out our opportunities.

Make a gift

Your support means we can help more real estate managers get access to the tools they need.


Create a scholarship

Define criteria that’s important to your company and let the IREM Foundation handle awarding and monitoring the scholarship. This high engagement opportunity connects companies with scholarship recipients and celebrates your company’s investment in education with our international network of professionals.

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Match employees’ donations

Get in touch to discuss workplace giving and company matching events.


Name a scholarship

Build a legacy, or a brand. Naming a scholarship is a great way for individuals to pay it forward and build a legacy, or for a company to fund education, attract talent, and get exposure to IREM members and chapters.
